Thursday, November 3, 2011

First Eat n' Speak of the Year

For the many freshmen and new Berkeley students who may have been entirely confused by the antics of senior Writing Center Directors George, Charles, and Lizzy occurring in morning convocation at the beginning of October, it’s time for a brief explanation and overview.
Writing Center Directors
In the words of quite a few new students I approached prior to the event, “What exactly is an ‘Eat n’ Speak?’” The answer is simple: the event is a time for students (and sometimes teachers—shout out to Mrs. McLean!) to perform songs, poems, short stories, dances, or anything else they have written or composed.

A Faculty Member Performs

As the directors so eloquently describe, the recurring phenomenon is simply “a time to share creativity.” The event occurs in the library during lunch twice a semester, and students and teachers alike are encouraged to come support their friends, as well as indulge in some free food provided to supplement the particular theme.

An Enthusiastic Eat n' Speak Participant

            This year, Berkeley’s first Eat n’ Speak was Disney-themed, accompanied by childhood-favorite treats, Disney-themed jokes, and even Disney character plushie giveaways. The turnout was a huge success, with even the undoubtedly busy Mr. Seivold making time for a guest appearance, a smile on his face the entire time. Eat n’ Speaks will do that to a person, as the high energy and support for fellow students emanate throughout the entire room. Berkeley’s first Eat n’ Speak of the year was opened with Mrs. McLean reading a poem from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, fitting with the kid-friendly theme.

The Melodivas

Next, Berkeley’s own Melodivas were lead by senior Laryn in belting out her senior solo, “Accidently in Love.” The rest of the event included rap performances from seniors Matt and Jonathan (with his own Tampa creed), as well as a lovely heart-felt ballad played and sung by junior Keely.

Rappers Perform at the Eat n' Speak 

Finally, with the breakout performance of the lunch period, came the duet of Boys Like Girls’ “Hero/Heroine,” as performed by sophomores Calle and Nick. With both students on vocals, and Nick on the guitar, one only had to take a single glance around the room in order to see the adoration present in the eyes of girls of all ages. If nothing else, one may want to consider performing in the next Eat n’ Speak as a simple self-esteem boost—not once has an act exited the stage to anything less than rounding applause, and smiles all around. The next Eat n’ Speak has yet to be announced, but, judging by the standard already set, it will certainly not be affair to be missed.

Students Applaud a Performance

- Kennison

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