Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What Our Statistics Say About Us: Round 2

Curious about who visits the Writing Center and what kind of tutorials happen the most frequently? Us too! In taking a look into recent statistics, we noticed a few trends:
We are so excited that more Middle Division students are visiting the WC! Middle Division and Juniors tied for the most amount of tutorials per grade level, so keep up the good work! 

Weirdly enough, tutorials that occur in the Writing Center are tied with tutorials occurring outside of the WC. As tutors, we do our best to accommodate our tutee's needs, so meeting outside of the WC is always a great option! We hope that more students will start taking advantage of the OWL.
The vast majority of papers are analytical and we are glad that we have been able to help so many of you! We are happy to see a large percentage of Creative papers coming in at 29% as well. With research paper season in full swing, we hope to tutor more research papers.

One of the most amazing things about Berkeley students is the way that they are self-advocates. The percentage of voluntary tutorials still comes in much higher than the number of required tutorials, with voluntary tutorials at 54% and required tutorials at 46%. Great job and keep it up!


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Sonnets, Short Stories, and Personal Narratives

Senior WC tutors Sarah  Cohen and Pooja Dave practice counting on their fingers with Academy Prep 7th graders... just kidding! Today was the last of the fall Academy Prep visits as the seniors helped improve their young tutees' sonnets. Our teachers observed a sea of hands counting syllables on fingers hoping to reach the perfect ten. It was a bittersweet moment for the seniors; this would be  one of their last Academy Prep lunches.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Hello Everyone!
As you probably know, the Academy Prep tutoring sessions are in full swing! Here's an example of the great work you all have been doing lately. If you haven't had a session yet, it's something to look forward to. 
Thanks for all your hard work!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Calling All Tutors

Every day, our tutors and teachers try to get their creative juices flowing and come up with new and exciting ways to bring more tutees into the Writing Center. But, how can you convince people to get tutored when you’ve never been tutored yourself? Think about the last time you walked into the Writing Center other than during your block (or when you used the WC printer). It probably isn’t that often, right?

Here’s a request for our tutors: try and visit the writing center sometime this semester and get your paper tutored. We all know you’re amazing writers, but it never hurts getting another student’s perspective.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

NCPTW T-Shirts

With the national conference in full swing, student volunteers and presenters are rocking their new NCPTW shirts.
These shirts were designed by one of our own, senior, artist, and writing center tutor, Karaghen Hudson.

Enjoy the conference!