Thursday, August 29, 2013

Big Changes

Fancy new tables aren't the only things different about the Writing Center this year. If you stop in for a tutorial, you'll notice that we have stepped into the 21st Century and become paperless! Students can always bring in hard copies of their essays, of course, but tutors will now fill out their session notes online through Google Docs. Everyone should thank senior tutor Theo Diamandis for helping us figure this out!

Here is a link to the page:

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Welcome Back!

To finish off everyone’s first week back, the interns and directors got together for the annual writing center retreat. The new interns got to know everyone as we spitballed ideas for the WC poster. This year’s theme is The Game of Write, with the clever slogan, “when you get to the center, you win!” An ingenious director came up with the idea to turn the poster into an actual game. Plans are to keep tally of who comes to the WC the most between students in middle division and students in each class of upper division. Whichever group has the most visits wins the Game of Write! It’s a great way to increase the foot traffic into the center for the new school year.

Who do you think will win? Let the game begin!